As Coaches, we are asked all the time to help our clients find the "25th hour" in the day...they say there is NEVER enough time, and if they could just have one more hour each day, they would get so much done! Sound familiar? But what would you do with an entire extra day? February 29, 2020 is just around the corner. At FromWithin Coaching, we are hoping that you won't waste the day...instead, live it with intention. What should you do with an entire 24 hours? Here are some ideas our Coaches have... ![]() What about a day of "Beginner's Mind?" - Mary McClements 1. Practice having a "beginners mind." What is beginner’s mind? It’s dropping our expectations and preconceived ideas about something, and seeing things with an open mind, fresh eyes, just like a beginner. If you’ve ever learned something new, you can remember what that’s like: you’re probably confused, because you don’t know how to do whatever you’re learning, but you’re also looking at everything aspect of it as if it’s brand new with curiosity and wonder. What does that look like? Research classes in your community and look for one(s) that you’ve always wanted to try, or return to something you love but haven’t had the time to do it in awhile. For example, if you’ve done a lot of art in the past and loved it, but because the rest of life can get in the way you haven’t created anything in awhile, commit yourself to a weekend workshop or a series in a medium you’ve always wanted to try. Bring to your research, and hopefully a class, a beginners mind. 2. Get into the woods, sit near a lake or in a field….anywhere that is quiet….and just listen, take deep breaths, smell the world around you, explore off the trail. Many of us in childhood spent a lot of time playing and exploring in nature and we often let go of this play in nature as we age. You’ll be amazed how this time will give you a re-boot! ![]() What about a day of Self Investment? - Augusta Good Krahl My suggestion would be to have it be a day for self-investment. Find something, or some things, that you have been wanting to do but never do because it either costs too much or seems "selfish". Something that is tied to a goal or a desired way of being. I would encourage it to be something that feels edgy and is outside of your comfort zone! ![]() What about a day of "Gratitude?" - Lu Setnicka Make it a day of GRATITUDE (I’ve been trying to practice this more personally): smile at everyone as you do your errands, say “thank-you” when normally you might not have, write a quick note to those in your life you’re grateful for, spend time at the dinner table articulating something that occurred that day you are grateful for. ![]() What about a day of "Writing?" - Jane Taylor Start a gratitude journal. Start by writing five things you are grateful for. That is a great way to begin your journey of self-care. Self-care is empowering. Self-care helps you move from existing to living. Self-care is doing work that matters. Self-care isn’t selfish. ![]() What about a day with Friends? - Alexandra Hughes Go on a date with friends you always mean to make plans with but never do. Or try a new class (fitness, art, language, cooking...) Better yet, make your friend date one of those new classes! ![]() What about a day of Self Care? - Megan Flanagan I would recommend to my clients to take our extra LEAP DAY and do something for themselves that involves self care. It's such a buzz word but it is also necessary. Most of my clients are female entrepreneurs. They are pushing to grow their businesses while managing their household. They rarely stop to take the time for themselves. The 29th is a great opportunity to give yourself the gift of self care-what ever that looks like for you. Is it physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, or social? Either way- GO FOR IT, we all just got an extra 24 hours!!! ![]() What about a day of no blue screens? - Amy Magyar What if you turned off every blue screen in your life? Phone? Computer? TV? What if instead of looking at a blue screen, you go and find some blue sky? Get outside and go play. The blue screen will be there tomorrow. But the blue sky might not be. Go live. Put down your phone. Now get out there and go live with intention
on the 29th! It's a free day! Comments are closed.
AuthorThe authors of these blogs include incredible Coaches and Writers at FromWithin Coaching who are inspired to share their thoughts, ideas, comments, and possibilities with YOU, the reader. Archives
February 2024